Speaker 1 (00:00):
Onscreen text, Chase. In the atrium, a man named Greg walks towards us. People in an interior cafe drink coffee while they work. A woman in a yellow cardigan, Abigail walks through a call center past employees using headsets. A woman in the atrium, Monique leans one arm against a balcony while talking. Greg sits at his office desk. Abigail sits at her computer in the call center and addresses us.
Greg (00:24):
Before Chase, I dreamed of making an impact.
Abigail (00:27):
And I dreamed of going back to school.
Monique (00:29):
Now that I'm here, the opportunities are there.
Greg (00:32):
Where I get to make a difference every day.
Abigail (00:34):
While working with others to find solutions.
Speaker 1 (00:36):
Three colleagues talk as they walk away from the Chase building. Abigail sits at her desk while colleagues gather around and discuss the work on her screen. Greg speaks to us from his office desk. Monique sits at a table in the atrium with Abigail and a laptop. They have a conversation while Abigail takes notes.
Monique (00:52):
I've grown more than I could imagine.
Abigail (00:56):
I get to work with the most amazing people.
Greg (00:58):
Who offer diverse perspectives.
Abigail (01:00):
And celebrate me for who I am.
Speaker 1 (01:03):
Monique walks through a busy call center with a colleague, then addresses us from the balcony. Greg sits at a table with several colleagues and addresses us directly, then walks through the atrium with his colleagues. Abigail sits in a large modern atrium and addresses us, then sits at a table in an office and has a discussion with colleagues.
Monique (01:19):
Career growth, let me tell you.
Greg (01:21):
I get to mentor others who were just like me.
Abigail (01:24):
And with support from Chase, I'm finally getting my degree.
Monique (01:29):
No matter how big or small, everything I do feels impactful.
Greg (01:33):
At Chase, the career paths are endless.
Abigail (01:36):
Where will your journey take you?
Speaker 1 (01:38):
Onscreen text Chase, jobs.chase.com. Copyright 2022.JPMorganChase & Company. All rights reserved. JPMorganChase & Company is an equal opportunity employer, disability, veterans.